Doç. Dr. Soner Solmaz

Acıbadem Adana Hastanesi
Doç.Dr.Soner Solmaz'ın, 12 yıllık hematoloji yandal uzmanlığı vardır. Dr.Solmaz'ın kan hastalıkları üzerine bilimsel çalışmaları bulunmaktadır ve birçok mesleki-akademik derneğe üyedir.
Association between leptin and weight gain in patients receiving iron treatment
Cukurova Medical Journal 43.2 (2018): 301-304 Solmaz, Soner, et al.
Active invasive fungal infection in a patient with severe aplastic anemia
8. Exp Clin Transplant: Apr 7 (2016) Solmaz, Soner, et al
An Overlooked Side Effect Of Iron Treatment: Changes In Menstruation
International Journal of Hematology Research 2.1 (2016): 120-123 Solmaz, Soner.
Red blood cell alloimmunization in patients with sickle cell disease in Turkey: a single center retrospective cohort study
Cukurova Med J 2016;41(4):622-627 Solmaz, Soner, et al
Anorectal complications during neutropenic period in patients with hematologic diseases
Mediterranean journal of hematology and infectious diseases 8.1 (2016) Solmaz, Soner, et al
Is obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome really one of the causes of secondary polycythaemia?
Hematology 20.2 (2015): 108-111 Solmaz, Soner, Faysal Duksal, and Sencer Ganidağlı
Cobalamin deficiency can mask depleted body iron reserves
Indian Journal of Hematology and Blood Transfusion 31.2 (2015): 255-258 Solmaz, Soner, Hakan Özdoğu, and Can Boğa
A rare complication developing after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
Wernicke?s encephalopathy." Turkish Journal of Hematology 32.4 (2015): 367 Solmaz, Soner, et al
Tacrolimus-induced diabetic ketoacidosis after allogeneic bone marrow transplant
10. Exp Clin Transplant(2015) Solmaz, Soner, et al
Therapeutic potential of apigenin, a plant flavonoid, for imatinib-sensitive and resistant chronic myeloid leukemia cells
Nutrition and cancer 66.4 (2014): 599-612 Solmaz, Soner, et al.
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