Doç. Dr. Oğuz Kaan Ünal
Endokrinoloji ve Metabolizma Hastalıkları

Acıbadem Bursa Hastanesi
Doç. Dr. Oğuz Kaan Ünal, 13 yıllık Endokrinoloji yandal uzmanı olarak görev yapmaktadır. Tiroid ve diabet üzerine bilimsel çalışmaları bulunan Dr.Ünal, 6 yıldır ASG'de çalışmaktadır.
A rare cause of hypoglycemia in a type 2 diabetic patient: insulinoma.
J Diabetes Complications.2012; 26(1): 65-7 Cander S, Oz Gul O, Yildirim N, Unal OK, Saraydaroglu O, Imamoglu S.
Effect of cycline D1 (CCND1) gene polymorphism on tumor formation and behavior in patients with prolactinoma.
Gene. 2012; 509(1): 158-63. Cander S, Erturk E, Karakucak M, Oz Gul O, Gorukmez O, Yakut T, Unal OK, Ersoy C, Tuncel E, Imamoglu S.
A rare complication due to propylthiouracil use: lupus-like syndrome.
Gazzetta Medica Italiana Archivio per le Scienze Mediche 2012; 171(2): 237-9 Oz Gul O, Unal OK, Cander S, Tuncel E, Imamoglu S.
Rapid Preparation of Hyperthyroid Patients for Thyroidectomy.
Turkiye Klinikleri J Med Sci 2011; 31(4): 890-895. Kıyıcı S, Oz Gul O, Cander S, Kirdak T, Duran C, Unal OK, Ersoy C, Tuncel E, Erturk E, Imamoglu S.
Preoperative parathyroid hormone levels are correlated with parathyroid adenoma volume and bone mineral density but not serum calcium levels.
Minerva Endocrinol 2011; 36(2): 123-128 Kıyıcı S, Cander S, Oz Gul O, Sigirli D, Unal OK, Duran C, Saraydaroglu O, Ersoy C, Tuncel E, Erturk E, Imamoglu S.
Effect of sitagliptin monotherapy on serum total ghrelin levels in patients with type 2 diabetes.
Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2011; 94: 212-216. Öz GÜl O, Kıyıcı S, Ersoy C, Cander S, Yorulmaz H, Gul CB, Unal OK, Sarandol E, Kirhan E, Siğirli D, Erturk E, Tuncel E, Imamoglu S.
The Relationship between Minor Alterations in Thyroid Function in Euthyroid Patients and Obesity.
The Endocrinologist 2010; 20(6): 304-307. Oz Gul O, Ersoy C, Gul CB, Guclu M, Ibanoglu M, Cangur S, Kiyici S, Cander S, Unal OK, Erturk E, Tuncel E, Imamoglu S.
Effect of levothyroxine treatment on QT dispersion in patients with subclinical hypothyroidism.
Endocr Pract. 2007 Nov-Dec;13(7):711-5.? Unal OK, Erturk E, Ozkan H, Kiyici S, Guclu M, Ersoy C, Yener F, Imamoglu S
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